Marshawn Lynch Critiques The Second Debate
I think CNN would do well to hire the ex-Seahawks running back for occasional commentary on politics.
I think CNN would do well to hire the ex-Seahawks running back for occasional commentary on politics.
Pretty good so far, but please keep trying. Perhaps you might focus on the Boston Red Sox today.
I ended up watching football last night. It was an entertaining game in which I had no particular rooting interest. My friends who watched Debate #1, on the other hand, most all of whom had a rooting interest for one of the two candidates, seem to have woken up this morning looking something like this.
The inability to become aroused over any of the choices for President put forth by either party during an election year. If the condition lasts more than six weeks, you're screwed.
Also the title of a new book by Alan Dershowitz, which I have no interest in reading. I just like the title.
The relationship between candidates and babies on the campaign trail has always been fraught with pitfalls, as this photo so wonderfully demonstrates. What should the caption be?
I can't wait for the Convention to begin!
I consume news and information electronically now, instead of reading print. But it's on the rare morning like this that dead-tree media really shine.
Joey - you coulda been a contender. You coulda been somebody
Pretty slick, if I must say so myself.
Well, that was fast.
Passes to political conventions are always much in demand by collectors of political ephemera. I suspect that this 2016 Democrat Convention pass, the Wasserman Schultz one, will see a lot of bidding activity.
...and nobody gets shot! Who would have thunk it?
While everyone works furiously this morning to out-do everyone else in sharing or structuring the perfect plagiarism meme, my takeaway from last night's proceedings in Cleveland is nicely encapsulated in a comment from the always-reliable Republican strategist Steve Schmidt:
"What we’re seeing tonight is the weaponization of grief.”
Seems legit, given the circumstances. (Thank you to my friend Jonathan Roses for the photo.)
Nothing sticks to a Clinton.
"The Circus" resumes next Sunday, just in time for the Conventions.
"The Clintons have turned the politics of personal enrichment into an art form," he said. "They've made hundreds of millions of dollars selling access and selling favors."